Friday, February 8, 2013

Lousy weather...Lazy Day?

It's Friday!  Hope you have something fun planned for the weekend! 

Friday is one my favorite days to get to the gym. There's always a good, positive energy...people are ready for the weekend...getting to the gym to look their best for a night out, a night in ;), or a big date!

I know the weather is horrible you may not be feeling it.  So, here's my cheesy, inspirational quote to get you off the couch and in the gym! :P

"The difference between who you are and who you want to be, is what you do!"

I was super excited about my workout today, but I woke up with a very stiff neck!  I participated in a fun, striptease style class at my gym Wednesday called "Got sexy?" with some girlfriends...and let's just say, I got a little too sexy!


Today's Tip: Whipping your hair around can give you whiplash!

So since I can't enjoy the burn from my planned workout, I would like to give you all a great workout so you can wake up feeling sore and successful tomorrow! :)

We are all busy! Make that hour you spend on yourself at the gym count! To help make sure you do that, here are few new exercises you can work into your routine!

First up is one of my favorites!
One Leg Deadlift with Extension
These feel incredible...and works your legs, booty, abs, back, arms and shoulders...Everything! 
You can hold dumbbells or a medicine ball for this move.
 Start out standing with all your weight on your left leg, holding your weights in front of your hips. Slowly hinge forward reaching the weights toward the ground...Do Not Bend!  Your spine and your back leg should stay in a straight line! (Imagine a finger splint holding you straight)
As you come back up, focus on using the leg you are standing on to pull you back should squeeze your glute and hamstring.
(Practice this a few times before continuing to the extension part of this requires some balance)
Once you get yourself centered, as you stand back up, do not touch your foot to the ground.  Instead pull it through to a forward "kick", while raising your arms over your head. Do these as fast or slow as your body tells you to, and find something to focus on to keep your center of gravity.
These take a bit of practice to get down, but they are absolutely worth the work it takes to master them and do them properly!
They burn!!

Next move...
Tricep Extensions
These will be a nice break to catch your breath a bit...
Hold two dumbbells overhead, as shown on the left.  It's important to keep your elbows close to your head.  The upper half of your arm should not budge an inch when you bend your lower arm behind you!
Keep your core tall and tight, and when you extend your arms back over your head go up onto your toes! Always looking for ways to incorporate other muscle groups into a simple exercise!
Making the most of our oh so valuable time, right?  ;)
We're going to add this to the combo I showed you a few days ago! You better have tried it!!

I like to start with some form of cardio when I get to the gym... Stair Climber or Jacob's Ladder are my favorites..but hop on the treadmill or elliptical if that's your thing!
Anywhere from 10-20 minutes will do to warm up your muscles, get your heart rate up, and break a little sweat...

Then...get to work!


20 Front Squats
20 Split Squats
20 Back Squats
20 Split Squats
(Check out my 2/4/13 post, "Time is valuable...don't waste yours" for a description of this combo!)

20 One-leg Deadlift Extension (each leg)
15 Tricep Extensions


This should not take you more than 10-15 minutes...

If you are new to the world of weight training, stick with this...add some cardio, some abs, and stretch, stretch, stretch! If you workout regularly, just add this into your regular routine!

We are going to keep adding to this workout.. we have quite few more moves to work in..but this will get you started, and hopefully get you sore!

Continue to follow along so we can finish this routine together!

We can all do this! Don't be afraid of the weights, ladies! We will never see change if we don't challenge ourselves...

And remember,
**Strong is the new skinny!**


P.S - Be safe driving this weekend!

Email me at with any questions of input!! <3

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