Friday, March 1, 2013

Substitutions that Satisfy!

Have you ever noticed how some people roll their eyes at you when you mention the words organic or clean?
Or my favorite comment..."Oh please, I ate junk my whole life, and I'm fine!"

I get this all the time...
These are the people that think all we eat is leaves, plain rice, and unseasoned grilled chicken!

When in fact, with the right products, I still make burgers, pasta and meatballs, chicken parm, macaroni and cheese, tacos, etc, etc, etc!

Maybe I would end up "fine" too, but I know for an absolute fact I have felt much better than fine since I cut out processed foods! I had constant issues with my tummy...reflux, bloating, etc, etc. Stomach troubles would ruin nights out, had me at specialists, and all they could come up with was reflux.
And now, the only time I feel that way is on my cheat day!

Thank goodness for cheat day! It reminds me WHY I stick to eating healthy...I feel like garbage every Sunday night :P

So I grew up knowing how to eat! Not necessarilly how to eat healthy...but definitely how to eat until your pants don't button at the end of the day!

I am 100% Italain...and not the tanned, poofed hair, name in my hoop earrings kind of Italian!

More like the:

"Mangia Mangia... you too skinny!" kind of Italian...

Ravioli as an appetizer on Thanksgiving kind of Italian...

Enough prosciutto, olives and cheese to feed 3 families...
as an antipasti...kind of Italian.

So in other words...I LOVE FOOD!

If I could find ways to eat what I love and what tastes good to me, but still fuel my body properly, and be kind to my stomach... why not!? 

ok, maybe a cold cut platter is still out of the question...but plenty of other delicious dishes aren't!

So with that being said, you may have guessed...It's time to share a few more of my favorite grocery items!
There are plenty of whole food substitutions for the common items on your grocery list that may not be the best for you and your family!

Brown Rice Bread Crumbs!!
Yay! You CAN have breaded chicken, fish, meatballs... No wheat, no added nonesense! If you've been following along, you read a bit about why brown rice flour is better for you than white or wheat flour! And if you haven't been...go read! ;)  You should be able to find these in any health food store... (I ordered them from Walmart!)

Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Bread
Sprouted Grains! This bread is made up of some pretty great stuff...and it's honestly so tasty! Sprouted barley, sprouted lentils, sprouted wheat, sprouted soybeans, sprouted spelt, sea salt...
You probably are wondering what it means that they are "sprouted" and why that makes a difference!
Sprouted means that the seeds or kernels have literally these grains and legumes are live! Typical bread flour is made by grinding the kernels, so this is a bit different. 
Aside from these ingredients being sprouted, they are also much more nutritious! Lentils, barley, spelt, etc... You are giving your body much more than just bread with this!
So rather than substituting just so you don't have to feel bad about eating regular bread, Ezekiel bread allows you to feel good about giving your body some great sources of protein and vitamins!
So having a piece of toast with your eggs or fruit in the morning can be a positive thing! :)
It remains frozen, since no preservatives are added.  Ezekiel also makes sprouted grain wraps, english muffins, cereals...
I find the bread at Shoprite, but the other products you can definitely find at a health food store. (I know Nature's Corner in Wall has it all!)
Making Sauce! Since I mentioned chicken parm, pasta and meatballs... I wanted to offer a tip on how to make an easy homemade tomato sauce!
  • Wash tomatoes and dip in boiling water for 30 to 60 seconds or until skins split.
  • Dip in cold water and slip off skins
  • Remove cores and cut in quarters.
  • Heat about half of the quarters quickly in a large pot, crushing them with a wooden mallet or spoon as they are added to the pot. This will exude juice. Continue heating the tomatoes, stirring to prevent burning.
  • Once the tomatoes are boiling, gradually add remaining quartered tomatoes, stirring constantly These remaining tomatoes do not need to be crushed. They will soften with heating and stirring. Continue until all tomatoes are added.
And there you have tomato paste! Add water to your liking...fresh garlic, onion, basil, parsley...whatever makes your sauce happy! :)
My last tip today...go organic with your meats! Organic chicken, Grass-fed beef... It does make a difference! You are eating what these animals are fed! I will get into detail on it in a future post... but in the meantime, read a bit about it !
I hope I've given you some ideas for better eating and reminded you that you don't have to sacrifice the meals you love to live a healthy lifestyle!

Enjoy your weekend! Don't forget to cheat one day!  You'll feel AWFUL...nausea, heartburn, integestion... :P
It really is the best reminder to stay on track all week! ;)

And remember...
Good decisions lead to better ones!

Email me with any questions or input!!


    1. I am sooo glad you started this blog! I've been at the fitness thing for so long, but also been at the lose weight at any cost thing, too. also raised in an Italian household, the quantity of food you consumed was always up for comment-eat like everyone else and, "wow you were hungry! I cant believe you finished all that", but if you ate just a little, "what's wrong? are you sick? didn't like it?" etc etc...
      so add to that the pressure to be a smaller dancer, bullying at school, a volatile home...enter in eating disorder/try anything to lose weight mentality and a general dislike of food, especially dinner-that's a big problem for me; when what you eat, or don't, is on display to everyone in the family.
      im working hard to turn that around. and luckily, you and your blog are there to help. i'm so thankful for all your information, tips and ideas! keep up the great work!

    2. Aw love you! You are incredible, and an inspiration to me. There is so much pressure on us... we are judged for ordering a salad, but at the same time, judged for wearing a bikini if everything isn't perfect. And is an obsession in a lot of italian can be overwhelming in one direction or the other!
      I'm always hypercritical of myself...sometimes I have to snap myself out of I always tell you you should! It's not easy. Hopefully this blog doesnt add any pressure on anyone. My hope is to show that it doesn't have to be confusing or stressful...and that with a little knowledge of what's what, it's really just a lot of common sense!
