Monday, February 4, 2013

Time is valuable...Don't waste yours!

I know you've been there... You got yourself motivated to go to the gym! Whoo!

You walk in, and maybe decide to start out with some cardio.

So you hop on the elliptical:
Enter Level...Enter Time...Enter weight (minus 7, obviously), and START! 

Twenty minutes later, you're getting bored, worked up a little sweat. Now it's time to hit the machines! A few sets on the butt blaster, a few sets on that twisty machine for your abs, and a few sets on that machine every girl wishes faced the wall, but for some reason ALWAYS faces the free weights! 


But you wake up the next day feeling no progress, no sore muscles. 

I know you don't have spare time to waste! It takes a lot to get your butt to the gym some days, so I want to show you how to get the most out of the time you spend there! Because, let's face it, you're not going to keep showing up unless you start feeling and seeing results...

You can't make changes to your body without changing what you are doing with it! That goes for both eating and working out.

First and foremost, have a PLAN! 

Before going to the gym...a few minutes before, hours before, the night before...whatever works for you... Write up a workout!

Obviously you need to know some exercises to do this, so here are some of my favorites to burn, sweat, and tone:

Front Squats and Back Squats

Holding the bar in front of you while squatting, (pictured on left), is a front squat. Holding the bar on your shoulders, behind you, (pictured on right), is considered a back squat.

Form is so important when doing squats. All your weights should remain on your heels, and your spine should never curve forward. It's important to focus on keeping your core (abs and back) tight! You should sit so your hips are as low as your knees, and your knees should never cross in front of your toes. And GO LOW! Sit down far enough to actually wonder how you are going to get back up... You won't fall! Dig those heels into the floor, and push!

Front squats emphasize Quads and Glutes (front of your thighs, and your booty), while back squats emphasize your Hamstrings and Glutes.  When you do one, you should also incorporate the other to get a balanced thigh workout.

If you are just starting out, you can use a body bar (pictured on the left), or you may even hold dumbells at your shoulders in this position.
If you already do squats here and there, use the barbell, and add weight if you're up for a challenge!

You CAN use the is supposed to be hard, and it is supposed to hurt! Just start out doing a few at a time until you are confident to lengthen your sets.

 Split Squats
These are killer!! I can promise you that you will be sore from these! :)
Start in a lunge position, push yourself up into a jump. While your feet are off the ground, switch your legs and land in a lunge on the other leg. (This picture shows both with right leg forward, but it is just to show you proper form.)
You can do these with just your body weight, or hold dumbbells to work your legs a bit harder.
These BURN, and they give you a nice dose of cardio to get your heart rate up!
So one of my favorite combos to warm up and start my workouts is:
20 front squats
20 alternating split squats
20 back squats
20 alternating split squats
Give your legs a break! Do a few upper body or ab exercises, then repeat this!
This combo will wake you up, make you sweat, and definitely leave you feeling sore the next day! But only if you make the weight heavy enough to give yourself a challenge. About half way through each of these exercises you should feel like you can't do anymore. But you can, and you should! ;)
***If you have knee problems, I would recommend starting without weight to test it out. You can do more reps, or add weight if you are feeling good
Remember ladies, don't be afraid of weights!! They will NOT make you bigger! They will burn fat and make your muscles tighter and toned!
So give this a try! When your twenty minutes are up on the elliptical or the treadmill, grab yourself some weights and a barbell, and do it! You won't regret it!

I'll have more combos for you soon!

And remember,
Strong is the new skinny!  <3
Email me at with any questions or input!

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