Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Fit, Healthy, and Happy!

I don't buy into the fad diets... The key to better eating and maintaining your health and fitness goals, rather than just reaching them, is thinking long-term
It's unrealistic to spend the rest of your life without a single piece of bread! Fat-free, sugar-free...Let's be serious! And counting calories? That's not going to do a whole lot unless you are eating the right food anyway! We're all better off eating 2000 calories of nutritious whole foods than 1200 calories of junk! You can agree with me on that much, right?
So if you're looking to lose weight...of course you can consider lessening your calorie intake! But make good use of those calories!! Fuel your body with foods that will help you burn fat, that will help you tone muscle! It only makes sense!

With a little knowledge of what your body needs, and what foods can actually make it more difficult to lose weight, it can be done!

I briefly discussed processed foods in my precious post "A Few of my Favorite Things", but I hope to give you a better understanding of why these foods hinder weight loss.

When I say "processed" I am referring to foods that have to be created, or foods whose ingredients have been altered or modified. These altered substances are called GMO's. (Genetically Modified Organism). You will see a lot of organic or whole food products say "Non-GMO" on the packaging.

GMO's are foreign to your body. These are not substances that exists naturally, so your body is not designed to recognize them and break them down properly.

Without getting deep into the science of it all, I will use your liver as an example, since its function is affected so greatly by what we eat.

Your liver is responsible for quite a bit, including identifying and ridding your body of unnecessary waste. Another very significant function of your liver is to break down fat!
When you eat processed foods, your liver has to spend time and energy trying to identify these...well...unidentifiable substances. 

Who is going to break down your fat while your liver is tied up on that task!?

Imagine putting a rubber disc into a machine that was designed to shred cardboard.  That's gonna take some extra time...some extra energy...and could potentially break that machine!  Now, there's a whole line of cardboard boxes backed up on the conveyor belt! No where to go, unable to be shredded...

OK... Not my best analogy...but you get the picture!

It's going to take you much longer to lose fat if you continue to feed your body junk it doesn't understand. And not only that, but you are putting extra, unnecessary strain on your organs!
This may sound ironic, but when it comes to shedding fat, don't focus on fat content, focus on ingredients! Some foods that contain a very high fat content are so beneficial for your health...and weight loss! (Nuts, avocado, coconut, olive oil, name a few!)
On top of the health and weight loss benefits, these "good fats" can actually help manage your moods and fight fatigue!
That's my slogan!!
Fit, healthy, and happy!
Isn't that what we all are striving for!?
I hope I've given you some insight into why I make thesuggestions I do.  It's important to me that you understand how choosing a healthier lifestyle can have a positive effect on every aspect of your well being. 
I'm not here to give you a meal plan or a new diet book...I want to educate you so that you can eat smart and feel good, all on your own!
And remember,
**Good decisions lead to better ones!**
Email me at with any questions or input!

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