Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The "S" Word!

In order to make it through the day without ravaging an entire box of my son's Goldfish, I eat often!

I discussed the 6 meals per day concept in my previous post, "I don't have time to eat healthy!" 
I referred to every other meal throughout the day as a "snack meal"... larger than a snack, smaller than a meal..."Sneal"?..."Mack"? 
No? You're OK with "snack meal"?


I offered a few examples in my previous post, but I'd like to help you out a bit with this, because snacks are definitely a big challenge when trying to form better eating habits.  The word itself has such a negative, guilty undertone in our culture.

"Hmm...what can I snack on?"

Sounds devilish!

What is so important to remember is that food is our fuel. The food we eat serves a purpose...aside from fulfilling hunger pains! And I assure you, no amount of M&M's or Doritos is going to give your body what it truly needs to run properly. 

If you simply can't control yourself, here's a great tip... You can't eat it if it's not there!

You have much more willpower in a grocery store than you will sitting on your couch at 8 o'clock at night watching The Bachelor!

So once you've stocked up on the right kinds of foods, (fruits, veggies, avocado, beans, nuts, brown rice, meats - if you aren't a vegetarian, etc... Foods that are simply and naturally food!), you can start creating all kinds of delicious snack meals!

My first snack meal is usually mid-morning, after my son and I get home from the gym.  But whatever you do, wherever your office is, these options will work just fine for you if you take the time each week to prep your fridge!
(You can get more info on what I mean by that in my post, "I don't have time to eat healthy!")

Here are some yummy snacks I like to prepare to fill me up without filling me with other stuff my body doesn't need or won't know what to do with:

Red Pepper, Chicken Breast and Alfalfa Sprouts
The red pepper and sprouts gave this enough flavor that I actually did not need any dressing or seasoning on this!
Remember, I prepped my fridge!  So the chicken was already baked, the red pepper was chopped...all I had to do was put it in a bowl and toss some sprouts on top!

Tomatoes, Almonds, Brown Rice Sesame Sticks, and Alfalfa Sprouts
I added a splash of Apple Cidar Vinegar to this, and some black pepper. So tasty! Do you notice, I like my sprouts? :)
Fage Greek Yogurt with Fresh Blueberries
Sometimes, the yogurt isn't quite enough on it's own.  If that's the case, I add a small bowl of a homemade mix.  I like to mix almonds, shredded coconut, and dried cranberries!
No matter what time of day...whether it's a snack meal, a smeal, a linner...I always try to add some crunch! It's completely mental on my part, but it makes me feel like my food has more substance that way. Hey...whatever works! :)
Be creative...there are so many things that taste fantastic together that you may have never thought to combine! I have the same 5 or 6 containers of veggies and beans and manage to make tons of different snacks with them throughout the week!
Eating healthy never has to be boring!
I hope I inspired your creative sense of snacking!  Stay tuned for some great breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas!
And remember,
**Good decisions lead to better ones!**
Email me at fitmodmom@gmail.com with any questions or input!


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