Friday, February 8, 2013

Lousy weather...Lazy Day?

It's Friday!  Hope you have something fun planned for the weekend! 

Friday is one my favorite days to get to the gym. There's always a good, positive energy...people are ready for the weekend...getting to the gym to look their best for a night out, a night in ;), or a big date!

I know the weather is horrible you may not be feeling it.  So, here's my cheesy, inspirational quote to get you off the couch and in the gym! :P

"The difference between who you are and who you want to be, is what you do!"

I was super excited about my workout today, but I woke up with a very stiff neck!  I participated in a fun, striptease style class at my gym Wednesday called "Got sexy?" with some girlfriends...and let's just say, I got a little too sexy!


Today's Tip: Whipping your hair around can give you whiplash!

So since I can't enjoy the burn from my planned workout, I would like to give you all a great workout so you can wake up feeling sore and successful tomorrow! :)

We are all busy! Make that hour you spend on yourself at the gym count! To help make sure you do that, here are few new exercises you can work into your routine!

First up is one of my favorites!
One Leg Deadlift with Extension
These feel incredible...and works your legs, booty, abs, back, arms and shoulders...Everything! 
You can hold dumbbells or a medicine ball for this move.
 Start out standing with all your weight on your left leg, holding your weights in front of your hips. Slowly hinge forward reaching the weights toward the ground...Do Not Bend!  Your spine and your back leg should stay in a straight line! (Imagine a finger splint holding you straight)
As you come back up, focus on using the leg you are standing on to pull you back should squeeze your glute and hamstring.
(Practice this a few times before continuing to the extension part of this requires some balance)
Once you get yourself centered, as you stand back up, do not touch your foot to the ground.  Instead pull it through to a forward "kick", while raising your arms over your head. Do these as fast or slow as your body tells you to, and find something to focus on to keep your center of gravity.
These take a bit of practice to get down, but they are absolutely worth the work it takes to master them and do them properly!
They burn!!

Next move...
Tricep Extensions
These will be a nice break to catch your breath a bit...
Hold two dumbbells overhead, as shown on the left.  It's important to keep your elbows close to your head.  The upper half of your arm should not budge an inch when you bend your lower arm behind you!
Keep your core tall and tight, and when you extend your arms back over your head go up onto your toes! Always looking for ways to incorporate other muscle groups into a simple exercise!
Making the most of our oh so valuable time, right?  ;)
We're going to add this to the combo I showed you a few days ago! You better have tried it!!

I like to start with some form of cardio when I get to the gym... Stair Climber or Jacob's Ladder are my favorites..but hop on the treadmill or elliptical if that's your thing!
Anywhere from 10-20 minutes will do to warm up your muscles, get your heart rate up, and break a little sweat...

Then...get to work!


20 Front Squats
20 Split Squats
20 Back Squats
20 Split Squats
(Check out my 2/4/13 post, "Time is valuable...don't waste yours" for a description of this combo!)

20 One-leg Deadlift Extension (each leg)
15 Tricep Extensions


This should not take you more than 10-15 minutes...

If you are new to the world of weight training, stick with this...add some cardio, some abs, and stretch, stretch, stretch! If you workout regularly, just add this into your regular routine!

We are going to keep adding to this workout.. we have quite few more moves to work in..but this will get you started, and hopefully get you sore!

Continue to follow along so we can finish this routine together!

We can all do this! Don't be afraid of the weights, ladies! We will never see change if we don't challenge ourselves...

And remember,
**Strong is the new skinny!**


P.S - Be safe driving this weekend!

Email me at with any questions of input!! <3

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Fit, Healthy, and Happy!

I don't buy into the fad diets... The key to better eating and maintaining your health and fitness goals, rather than just reaching them, is thinking long-term
It's unrealistic to spend the rest of your life without a single piece of bread! Fat-free, sugar-free...Let's be serious! And counting calories? That's not going to do a whole lot unless you are eating the right food anyway! We're all better off eating 2000 calories of nutritious whole foods than 1200 calories of junk! You can agree with me on that much, right?
So if you're looking to lose weight...of course you can consider lessening your calorie intake! But make good use of those calories!! Fuel your body with foods that will help you burn fat, that will help you tone muscle! It only makes sense!

With a little knowledge of what your body needs, and what foods can actually make it more difficult to lose weight, it can be done!

I briefly discussed processed foods in my precious post "A Few of my Favorite Things", but I hope to give you a better understanding of why these foods hinder weight loss.

When I say "processed" I am referring to foods that have to be created, or foods whose ingredients have been altered or modified. These altered substances are called GMO's. (Genetically Modified Organism). You will see a lot of organic or whole food products say "Non-GMO" on the packaging.

GMO's are foreign to your body. These are not substances that exists naturally, so your body is not designed to recognize them and break them down properly.

Without getting deep into the science of it all, I will use your liver as an example, since its function is affected so greatly by what we eat.

Your liver is responsible for quite a bit, including identifying and ridding your body of unnecessary waste. Another very significant function of your liver is to break down fat!
When you eat processed foods, your liver has to spend time and energy trying to identify these...well...unidentifiable substances. 

Who is going to break down your fat while your liver is tied up on that task!?

Imagine putting a rubber disc into a machine that was designed to shred cardboard.  That's gonna take some extra time...some extra energy...and could potentially break that machine!  Now, there's a whole line of cardboard boxes backed up on the conveyor belt! No where to go, unable to be shredded...

OK... Not my best analogy...but you get the picture!

It's going to take you much longer to lose fat if you continue to feed your body junk it doesn't understand. And not only that, but you are putting extra, unnecessary strain on your organs!
This may sound ironic, but when it comes to shedding fat, don't focus on fat content, focus on ingredients! Some foods that contain a very high fat content are so beneficial for your health...and weight loss! (Nuts, avocado, coconut, olive oil, name a few!)
On top of the health and weight loss benefits, these "good fats" can actually help manage your moods and fight fatigue!
That's my slogan!!
Fit, healthy, and happy!
Isn't that what we all are striving for!?
I hope I've given you some insight into why I make thesuggestions I do.  It's important to me that you understand how choosing a healthier lifestyle can have a positive effect on every aspect of your well being. 
I'm not here to give you a meal plan or a new diet book...I want to educate you so that you can eat smart and feel good, all on your own!
And remember,
**Good decisions lead to better ones!**
Email me at with any questions or input!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The "S" Word!

In order to make it through the day without ravaging an entire box of my son's Goldfish, I eat often!

I discussed the 6 meals per day concept in my previous post, "I don't have time to eat healthy!" 
I referred to every other meal throughout the day as a "snack meal"... larger than a snack, smaller than a meal..."Sneal"?..."Mack"? 
No? You're OK with "snack meal"?


I offered a few examples in my previous post, but I'd like to help you out a bit with this, because snacks are definitely a big challenge when trying to form better eating habits.  The word itself has such a negative, guilty undertone in our culture.

"Hmm...what can I snack on?"

Sounds devilish!

What is so important to remember is that food is our fuel. The food we eat serves a purpose...aside from fulfilling hunger pains! And I assure you, no amount of M&M's or Doritos is going to give your body what it truly needs to run properly. 

If you simply can't control yourself, here's a great tip... You can't eat it if it's not there!

You have much more willpower in a grocery store than you will sitting on your couch at 8 o'clock at night watching The Bachelor!

So once you've stocked up on the right kinds of foods, (fruits, veggies, avocado, beans, nuts, brown rice, meats - if you aren't a vegetarian, etc... Foods that are simply and naturally food!), you can start creating all kinds of delicious snack meals!

My first snack meal is usually mid-morning, after my son and I get home from the gym.  But whatever you do, wherever your office is, these options will work just fine for you if you take the time each week to prep your fridge!
(You can get more info on what I mean by that in my post, "I don't have time to eat healthy!")

Here are some yummy snacks I like to prepare to fill me up without filling me with other stuff my body doesn't need or won't know what to do with:

Red Pepper, Chicken Breast and Alfalfa Sprouts
The red pepper and sprouts gave this enough flavor that I actually did not need any dressing or seasoning on this!
Remember, I prepped my fridge!  So the chicken was already baked, the red pepper was chopped...all I had to do was put it in a bowl and toss some sprouts on top!

Tomatoes, Almonds, Brown Rice Sesame Sticks, and Alfalfa Sprouts
I added a splash of Apple Cidar Vinegar to this, and some black pepper. So tasty! Do you notice, I like my sprouts? :)
Fage Greek Yogurt with Fresh Blueberries
Sometimes, the yogurt isn't quite enough on it's own.  If that's the case, I add a small bowl of a homemade mix.  I like to mix almonds, shredded coconut, and dried cranberries!
No matter what time of day...whether it's a snack meal, a smeal, a linner...I always try to add some crunch! It's completely mental on my part, but it makes me feel like my food has more substance that way. Hey...whatever works! :)
Be creative...there are so many things that taste fantastic together that you may have never thought to combine! I have the same 5 or 6 containers of veggies and beans and manage to make tons of different snacks with them throughout the week!
Eating healthy never has to be boring!
I hope I inspired your creative sense of snacking!  Stay tuned for some great breakfast, lunch and dinner ideas!
And remember,
**Good decisions lead to better ones!**
Email me at with any questions or input!


Monday, February 4, 2013

Time is valuable...Don't waste yours!

I know you've been there... You got yourself motivated to go to the gym! Whoo!

You walk in, and maybe decide to start out with some cardio.

So you hop on the elliptical:
Enter Level...Enter Time...Enter weight (minus 7, obviously), and START! 

Twenty minutes later, you're getting bored, worked up a little sweat. Now it's time to hit the machines! A few sets on the butt blaster, a few sets on that twisty machine for your abs, and a few sets on that machine every girl wishes faced the wall, but for some reason ALWAYS faces the free weights! 


But you wake up the next day feeling no progress, no sore muscles. 

I know you don't have spare time to waste! It takes a lot to get your butt to the gym some days, so I want to show you how to get the most out of the time you spend there! Because, let's face it, you're not going to keep showing up unless you start feeling and seeing results...

You can't make changes to your body without changing what you are doing with it! That goes for both eating and working out.

First and foremost, have a PLAN! 

Before going to the gym...a few minutes before, hours before, the night before...whatever works for you... Write up a workout!

Obviously you need to know some exercises to do this, so here are some of my favorites to burn, sweat, and tone:

Front Squats and Back Squats

Holding the bar in front of you while squatting, (pictured on left), is a front squat. Holding the bar on your shoulders, behind you, (pictured on right), is considered a back squat.

Form is so important when doing squats. All your weights should remain on your heels, and your spine should never curve forward. It's important to focus on keeping your core (abs and back) tight! You should sit so your hips are as low as your knees, and your knees should never cross in front of your toes. And GO LOW! Sit down far enough to actually wonder how you are going to get back up... You won't fall! Dig those heels into the floor, and push!

Front squats emphasize Quads and Glutes (front of your thighs, and your booty), while back squats emphasize your Hamstrings and Glutes.  When you do one, you should also incorporate the other to get a balanced thigh workout.

If you are just starting out, you can use a body bar (pictured on the left), or you may even hold dumbells at your shoulders in this position.
If you already do squats here and there, use the barbell, and add weight if you're up for a challenge!

You CAN use the is supposed to be hard, and it is supposed to hurt! Just start out doing a few at a time until you are confident to lengthen your sets.

 Split Squats
These are killer!! I can promise you that you will be sore from these! :)
Start in a lunge position, push yourself up into a jump. While your feet are off the ground, switch your legs and land in a lunge on the other leg. (This picture shows both with right leg forward, but it is just to show you proper form.)
You can do these with just your body weight, or hold dumbbells to work your legs a bit harder.
These BURN, and they give you a nice dose of cardio to get your heart rate up!
So one of my favorite combos to warm up and start my workouts is:
20 front squats
20 alternating split squats
20 back squats
20 alternating split squats
Give your legs a break! Do a few upper body or ab exercises, then repeat this!
This combo will wake you up, make you sweat, and definitely leave you feeling sore the next day! But only if you make the weight heavy enough to give yourself a challenge. About half way through each of these exercises you should feel like you can't do anymore. But you can, and you should! ;)
***If you have knee problems, I would recommend starting without weight to test it out. You can do more reps, or add weight if you are feeling good
Remember ladies, don't be afraid of weights!! They will NOT make you bigger! They will burn fat and make your muscles tighter and toned!
So give this a try! When your twenty minutes are up on the elliptical or the treadmill, grab yourself some weights and a barbell, and do it! You won't regret it!

I'll have more combos for you soon!

And remember,
Strong is the new skinny!  <3
Email me at with any questions or input!

Friday, February 1, 2013

A Few of My Favorite Things...

So you've made the decision to change your eating habits, and change your lifestyle! Congratulations!

Now what?

I grew up on white bread, pepperoni, American cheese, and diet coke! (And Cheez-itz! Ugh my favorite!)  I slowly started making better decisions as I became an adult and learned a bit more about what my body really needed.
But when I really, truly made the commitment to cut the junk and fuel my body properly, I needed HELP!

I walked around Shoprite reading labels without a clue what any of it meant.  Canola oil? (What's a canola?) Xanthum gum? (yum...) What am I looking at!?

Fortunately, my sister married a very knowledgeable man...a doctor of chiropractic care and nutrition. They guided me and helped me understand WHY certain ingredients and processed foods were harming my body, and what organic actually meant.

Simply being told, "Buy this, not that" just doesn't cut it. Understanding what your body needs can help you make decisions on your own about new food products you come across, rather than relying on a list. 

So! I am here today to give you a little bit of both! I'd like to recommend some of my favorite staple grocery store items, and explain why they are fantastic substitutes to what you may normally eat.

Nature's Path Organic Waffles
I am not joking when I tell you, these are the MOST delicious waffles I have ever had! They are gluten-free, and made with some very nutritious ingredients!
The Buckwheat Wildberry waffles are made with buckwheat (Superfood! I'll get into more of those in a later post...), blueberries, brown rice flour, apple puree...and other natural ingredients. They are my favorite! (My son's too!)
The other is Chia Plus, made with quinao, amaranth, pear juice, brown rice flour, tapioca starch, and other natural ingredients.
They both have a fantastic, soft consistency and taste incredible! I eat them plain, and they are still so flavorful.
Unlike Eggos or other waffles, these waffles are made from ingredients that have a nutritious purpose, aside from just creating a waffle. So it's less about Eggos being terrible for you, because they are certainly not the worst thing you could eat! It is more about how great these waffles are for you!
Since they are made with brown rice flour, it does not go through all of the processes eriched flour must go through.  Less processing, means more natural, which means your body can more easily identify those natural ingredients and perform it's duties effectively.
So...when I have a waffle and some fruit in the morning, I feel condifent that I am doing good for my body, rather than just trying not to be "bad". 

Make sense!?...

Great! :)

Brown Rice Pasta
This was one of my favorite food substitutes for a couple reasons. For starters, I always hated the texture of whole wheat pasta. I found it to be a bit hard and chewy. Brown rice pasta actually has a consistency that is most similar to white pasta. But more importantly, it is not made with enriched flour! (Enriched is a nice fancy word for processed, bleached, etc) And as I said in reference to the waffles, the less processing something undergoes, the easier it is on your body, your organs, your digestive system.

The benefits I'm speaking about are not limited to your health.  When your body is functioning properly, and you organs aren't working overtime to decipher and breakdown foreign substances, it can spend that time and energy on breaking down FAT!

Processed food = belly fat!!    Haaaa-lle-lu-jah! Sing it! ;)
Cut the junk, you cut the fat! Don't cut carbs, or try to starve yourself!
It won't help long term!

You can do crunches and side bends, and run and lift, etc etc etc.  And you'll have strong abs! BUT you won't be able to SEE them!!

I said this to my husband the other day, and as you can imagine, he made fun of me...BUT, I'll say it anyway:

Abs are built in the gym, and exposed in the kitchen!

Well, I hope this helped give you a good understanding of why I recommend these items. And hopefully you gained some knowledge to help you in the isles on your next food shopping trip.

I'll have more recommendations for you soon! Stay tuned. ;)

And, of course, Remember:
Good decisions lead to better ones! ;)

I have to give credit to my brother-in-law, Dr. Joseph Gulotta, who has literally NEVER been stumped by a health or nutrition question I have had for him! His knowledge and recommendations have literally changed my life! <3

Check out his website, and visit him for better health and wellness!