Thursday, January 31, 2013

"I don't have time to eat healthy"

So I am sure you've at least heard of the concept of eating 6 small meals a day in order to lose weight. 

This is absolutely the way to live! Not only for weightloss, but to rid you of bad snacking habits, for health reasons as well.

But the most common response to this concept  I've heard is, "I don't have time to come up with 6 meals everyday!"
There is a misconception about this lifestlye, that it means more work and more cooking, and I would like to offer some advice to make it less overwhelming for you.
I have actually found it has taken the pressure off of preparing meals. 

I highly recommend you take 1 day each week to "prep your fridge"! I personally like Fridays for this...that's my food shopping day. Payday! ;) But any day you are in that zone works just fine! 

Prepping your fridge:
Hard boil some eggs, chop some raw broccoli, cut up red pepper & carrots, drain and wash a can of beans or chic peas...  These are just some of my "go-to" snack and meal items, but think of your favorite raw veggies, beans, etc. 
And I always make sure to have nuts and avocado in the house! Great sources of those fat-burning fats! Can always add those to salads or snack mixes.

So a typical person eats breakfast, lets say, around 8am. Then she tries to hold off for lunch around noon. But usually can't make it, so she grabs a few handfuls of chips or goldfish (this is speaking from a stay-at-home mom's perspective, can you tell?), or maybe she takes a trip to the vending machine at work. Then she feels guilty all day for not having the will power to wait until lunch.
That is NOT fighting willpower, that is fighting hunger! We aren't meant to starve ourselves and should never have to!
I would like to walk you through a typical day of eating 6 small meals...(The times are just a when you're hungry!)

Breakfast 8am: 
2 Eggs, 1 Nature's Path Waffle, and bowl of mixed fruit

Snack meal 10:30am:
Raw red pepper, raw broccoli, mashed hard boiled egg, and slivered almonds with some ground pepper and a splash of apple cider vinegar 

Lunch 1pm: 
1 piece of Ezekiel bread or toast with shredded chicken and avocado
(Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Bread is in my shoppling list items! Make sure to check those out for ideas!)

Snack meal 3:30:
Small salad- spring mix, chic peas or beans, avocado, carrots, with ground pepper, olive oil and apple cider vinegar 

Dinner 6pm:
Brown rice pasta, grilled or baked chicken and peas in a homemade sauce - olive oil, crushed tomatoes and herbs. 

Snack meal 8:30pm
Make this one feel like a snack!
I found organic blue corn chips that are minimally processed and very low in salt! I love them with homemade style guacamole or salsa. 

These are just examples, and I will continue to post small meal ideas! 

The best advice I can give to be successful in this lifestyle change, aside from just "prepping your fridge", is to take a day here and there to cook 2 big dinner type meals. Then you can use the left overs over the next few days for lunches or dinners.  This way, if your children only want nuggets with mac n cheese, your only options won't be to either eat what they eat, or cook two meals every night!
If you are working full-time, when you "prep your fridge", prepare the large salads and snack mixes so you can just transfer them to tupperware and throw them in your lunch bag everyday!

Willpower is about decision making, NOT starving!
I hope this helps you get a start on living healthier and reaching your goals! 

**Good decisions lead to better ones**

email me:
fitmodmom@gmail .com with any questions! <3


  1. awesome!!! whether you are eating to lose weight or to get healthier, if you don't plan ahead, you are setting yourself up to fail. the 7 p's: proper planning prevents piss-poor performance!!
    thanks renee! just the kick in the pants I needed to get to the store and stock up on the stuff I should have on hand...not the stuff that happens to be here. you are so right!!!

    1. Yay awesome! Thank Christine!! Love the 7 p's! :)
