Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Do you believe in Magic?

So, Summer is well underway...
Cruel isn't it? We are forced to bare 90% of our bodies in front of crowds of people! You couldn't pay most people to do that, when you put it that way!

First, let me say..who cares! Be confident...that's truly the only thing that is universally sexy!

But I know that is much easier said than done...
And I also know you want to be confident NOW...YESTERDAY! I get it...

But please...I'm literally begging you...please, don't buy into the pill fad! There are soooo many reasons I say this, so if you've considered it, or are trying it now, please read!

Firstly, and most obviously, even the most "all natural" products have an effect on your body! But when it comes to weight loss, most women don't care about that.  That makes me trumps health in our society, and it's just a terrible thing!

This is why I want you all to know that you can have both! And it's not complicated!

Don't curb your appetite! You are supposed to be hungry, and you are supposed to EAT when you're hungry!

Hunger is your body's way of telling you it NEEDS something.  

When you are eating the right things, and getting some exercise, you will eat a TON throughout the day! This is why I stress the 6 small meals! You never go hungry, and you never over indulge.
And even in between those meals, grab a handful of grapes, or nuts...have a yogurt, a banana! EAT!

The more nutrients you take in, the better your body will function! And a huge function of your body...BURNING FAT!

Curbing your appetite is not going to help you burn fat. It's going to make you eat less of the stuff you already eat...which may not have many nutrients in it to begin with.
So once you start having trouble sleeping, or develop stomach problems from this "magic pill", and want to go off of it...
You've learned nothing, you've changed no habits...and the weight you've lost will come right back to you.

"If you want to see change, you must change what you are doing"

You don't know where to start? Read through my posts! Step by step...what to buy, how to prep your fridge, meal and snack ideas! 
It is a lifestyle change to be healthy...but it's nothing everyone can't handle! 
Once you get used to it, you will have no desire to go back! 

The energy, the positivity...the results! 

And you won't have your dream body overnight...but that's not really the goal, is it?

Did you leave high school, and say.."I want to be a lawyer!"...and the week later, you landed your dream job!? Of course educated yourself, you invested your time and money into something, because you WANTED it!

It feels amazing to feel good! And it doesn't require much time, or any extra money...just some dedication! It is absolutely worth the adjustment in your habits! You will never regret it...

Whatever your shape or size may be...just work to be the best version of yourself. When you've achieved that, you'll know it...and you'll look forward to showing off in that bathing suit! 

Fit, healthy, happy... that's true success <3

Email me if you have any comments or questions! I LOVE to help those who want to help themselves!